BEVISTON GmbH are the concentrated result of the experience of decades in research, development and worldwide sale of innovative disinfecting and hygiene preparations for health care.
BEVISTON GmbH, with their production site in Nordholz, Germany, is the combined result of decades of experience in research, development, production and global distribution of innovative hygiene products for the healthcare sector. The product portfolio includes modern cleaning and disinfection products. BEVISTON is ISO 13485-certified and has directive certificates for medical devices (RL (EU) 2017/745 [MDR], RL 93/42 EEC, annex II + V).
The products come from a modern and efficient production. BEVISTON is a cosmopolitan German company, in the heart of Europe, with ties to their production site. Manufactured in Germany, Made in Germany, is the quality identifier of the company.
The background of BEVISTON GmbH is a high scientific standard which is regularly amplified. The modern products manufactured under high-tech conditions are significant for the company's performance. Furthermore the products have an excellent price performance ratio and are completely free of aldehydes and phenols and extinguish themselves by particularly economic dosages. Of course, all products are biodegradable according to OECD guidelines. With the worldwide international networking BEVISTON are striking a completely new path. Its short brand establishment is significant for BEVISTON's worldwide success.
Our additional guarantor for constant quality: We are certified!
All BEVISTON products are completely free of phenol and aldehyde and are characterized by excellent environmental compatibility.
In development stages of several years BEVISTON has developed two very effective, non-foaming cleaning agents for dental aspiration systems - free of aldehydes and phenols. Both products have an excellent material-compatibility even with sensitive materials.
Contaminated therapeutical water in hydrotherapy can become a health risk for patients! Protective measures are obligatory!
After each therapeutical use residues such as danders, hair, fat, ichor and sometimes excrements are left in the remaining water of the pumps. After a short time the biofilm has already formed in the bath pumps which is the cause for the following contamination of the fresh therapeutical water. So it is a high risk of infection for each patient!
The biofilm and the residues have to be removed regularly. Through the daily cleaning and care of the bath pumps with PU-RE 1, the liquid concentrate with the particularly high and careful cleaning effect, even the persistent residues are removed from the pump cycle. The result is drinking water quality according to the guidelines of the German drinking water decree for treating and for that reason protecting the patients.
PU-RE 1 is very suitable for the basic cleaning of old therapeutical tubs which often have a very high charge of microbes.
Water is a natural material which cannot be replaced and it is the fountainhead of all life on earth.
Water is found as surface water, spring water and ground water. It is used as drinking water, service water, fire water or waste water as well and due to its ingredients it is called e. g. mineral water, salt water and fresh water. 71 % of the earth’s surface consists of water. The complete water on earth amounts to about 1.4 billion cubic metres of which only 0.6 % are available as drinking water. The quality of the drinking water is regulated by the government (in Germany through the Drinking Water Decree).
Drinking water decree (valid in Germany from 1 January 2003).
Aims of the drinking water decree: “The purpose of the decree is to protect the human health from the harmful effects which result from the contamination of water meant for the human consumption by ensuring its consumable status and purity in accordance with the regulations.”